We help customers find your local business online!

Local Marketing

Be #1 on Google for your area!

“Local Marketing starts with SEO – the right keywords to setup your “Google My Business listing. Then get the attention from people searching for your services/products near you first.

Goal #1

Be Found

by local customers

Goal #2

Be Found

on all devices

If you haven’t listed your business on Google yet, don’t put it off any longer!  Your listing must be set up & optimized correctly, with all the details in order to take advantage of all that Google offers. Our goal for you is, the first page of Google Search!

Did you know that 60 percent of Online Searches are from mobile devices and the numbers are growing.

Google provides tools to help grow your business. We help you take advantage of them.

You’ll  be on the Google Maps & searchable by cell for local customers.

Google Makes it easier for people to find YOU First!

Small businesses that are NOT found online are missing out!  Local Marketing starts with “Google My Business”. Let us help you claim your listing &  get found to get more business online!

Local Marketing & Google My Business helps Google to understand your business online. What does it look like, sound like & feel like?

Don't let your competition take your spot!

Get more leads from Google in 2021!

Act now & get more leads & customers - Our Local Marketing package will help you get your business listed on Google Map Pack in 2021.

When people search for your type of business online you can be listed first and get more traffic to your website & get your phones to ring more.

With our Local Marketing service your listing will be optimized for Google My Business.

How Can We Help You?

2 + 10 =


59th Place S
Kent, WA 98032-6457


Sunday         Closed
Monday        9:00 am-5:00 pm
Tuesday        9:00 am-5:00 pm
Wednesday  9:00 am-5:00 pm
Thursday      9:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday           9:00 am-5:00 pm
Saturday       Closed

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